What is Force.com and Salesfore.com? Mention the differences.
Salesforce.com is also a cloud computing platform, it contains only standard objects.
Salesforce.com is hoisted on Force.com.
What are the Force.com editions and salesfoce.com editions?
Free edition
Enterprise with one app
Enterprise with multiple app
Unlimited with one app
Unlimited with multiple apps
SalesForce.com includes 5 editions
Contact Manager
Professional edition
Enterprise edition
Unlimited edition
How many custom objects available in Professional and Enterprise edition and Unlimited?
Enterprises 200
Unlimited 2000
In Which edition the Apex Data Loader will support? What are those editions?
Through Sales force Import wizard how many records we can import into S.F Objects and the wizard will support for which Objects?
Using Import wizard, we can upload up to 50000 records. And only Accounts, Contacts and custom object’s data can be imported. If we want to import other objects like Opportunities and other object’s data, then we need to go for Apex Data Loader.
In which edition work flows are available in S.F?
What is the data and file storage capacity in Professional and Enterprise and Unlimited editions Org wide? What is the storage capacity for each user in above editions?
Professional 1GB 1GB 20MB/100MB
Enterprises 1GB 1GB 20MB/100MB
Unlimited 1GB 1GB 120MB/100MB
In Which Edition Outlook and Excel and Mobile Lite are available in S.F?
Mobile lite is available in all editions i.e.; Group edition, Professional edition, Enterprise edition, Unlimited edition.
Outlook connect to sales force is used to sync contacts, Events and mails to sales force. Like mobile lite feature this is also available in all above mentioned editions.
What is app exchange?
What is a VLOOKUP in S.F?
What are the types of bindings available in Visual force?
ex: public String textdemo{get;set;} // in apex
<apex:input text value=”{!textdemo}”>
Using methods in controller
Ex: <apex:selectlist value=”textdemo”>
<apex:selectoptions value=”listt”/>
//In apex
Public List<Account> getlistt(){
Return [select Id,Name from Account]; \\ returns list
What are the types of relationships present in S.F?
Junction Object
What is junction Object and what does it mean?
It always contains two Master-Detail relationships.
Differences between Master-Detail and Lookup
Both are used to create one to many relationship between two objects.
In case of MD, if Parent is deleted, child is also deleted.
In case of Lookup, if Parent is deleted, child is not deleted.
In MD, Child is mandatory, but in Lookup, child is not mandatory.
When I want to export data into SF from Apex Data Loader, which Option should be enable in Profile?
Enable API
Types of Reports in S.F?
Tabular reports: Tabular report is used to represent the data simply in tabular format. Summarizing on a particular field cannot be done.
Summary reports: In summary report, we can summate or group the data based on a column.
Matrix report: In matrix report we can summarize the data both in rows and columns.
What is an Assignments rule?
What is a web- lead?
What is lookup and Master Details and what is difference between them.
In lookup, if we delete master records, child records will not be deleted.
In master-detail, if we delete master records, child records will also be deleted.
Child record is mandatory for Master-Detail.
What is an External Id?
What are the Types of Account and difference between them?
Personal accounts
Business accounts.
In personal accounts, person’s name will be taken as primary considerations where as in business accounts, there will be no person name, but company name will be taken into consideration.
How many ways to do a field is mandatory?
At the time of creating the field, mentioning the field should contain a value to save a record.
In page layout, we can mention the field to be mandatory.
What is a Field level Security?
Giving permissions to users based on Profiles.
Mentioning the availibity of a field to the users for viewing and editing purpose based on profile is called field level security.
While creating a field,we can mention the security level of that field fr every profile by deciding its level of accessibility to each profile.
Difference between Formula and Roll-up summary
Roll-up summary: A read-only field that displays the sum, minimum, or maximum value of a field in a related list or the record count of all records listed in a related list.
Difference btw isNull and isBlank
IsBlank- it supports for Text field.
What is a workflow? Types of workflow and actions in workflow.
2 types:
Immediate actions: That executes when a record matches the criteria.
Time-dependent: When a record matches the criteria, and executes according to time triggers.
Task : Asign a new task to user.
Email-alerts : Send email to one or more recipients that are specified.
Field Updates : Update value of a field.
Outbound Messages: Send a configurable API message to designed listener.
Types of email templates
Html with letter head
Custom Template
Visual Force.
Difference btw Profiles and Roles?
Roles: Record level security can be given by Roles.
Profile is mandatory.
Types in roles:
Manual Sharing
OWD (organization wide default):
Public read
Public read/write
Sharing rules
Role Hierarchy
What is a wrapper class?
What are collections and types of collections?
List: Ordered collection of elements which allows duplicates.
Set: Unordered collection of elements which do not allow duplicates.
Map: Pair of two elements, in which the first element is always unique.
Types of Reports:
Summary: Summarize data on one column based on single criteria.
Matrix: Summarize data on both row and columns.
Difference between VF and S-Control
It is a markup language like XML, HTML It is a procedural language like Java, Ajax
Automation of data is there- Binding No automation of data- Manual Binding
Style sheet(CSS) is included CSS is not included
Accessibility of object
{! ($Objecttype.ObjectName.accessable)}----------- returns true if object is accessible.
What are Global keywords?
Used to access various values from components on a page or from user objects or from URL, for each object we have each key word.
URL Current Page
Profile Page Reference
User Object Type
Resource Component
What is a Page Reference?
By creating an object to this class, we can use this object to forward to another page as shown in example below:
Public Pagereference go()
Pagereference p = new pageReference(‘http://www.google.com’);
Return p;
What is MVC?
Model: The model object knows about all the data that need to be displayed.
View: The view represents the presentation of the application (User Interface).
Controller: Actual business logic of VF is present here.
What are the Controllers available in Force.com?
Standard Controller: Used for both custom and standard objects.
Custom Controller: is an apex class that implements all the logic for a page without leveraging the functionality of a standard controller.
Extension Controller: is an apex class which adds functionality to existing standard and custom controllers.
What is a difference between render, rerender and renderAs?
Rerender: Used to refresh a part of a page in visual force page when an action occurs.
Render as: Used to convert entire visual force into PDF
Render as = “pdf”.
How can you access URL Parameters in to a visual force page?
Ex: $CurrentPage.parameters.location
What are annotations ant their types?
@Future: Used to execute the methods asynchronously.
@IsTest: Used to test the methods.
@Remote Action
What is a difference between <apex: dataTable />, <apex: pageBlockTable />?
If we want to add custom style sheets we have to data table.
What is a Sandbox? Types of sandbox.
3 Types:
What are triggers? Types of Triggers
Bulk Trigger: All triggers are bulk triggers by default, and can process multiple records at a time. You should always plan on processing more than one record at a time.
Bulk triggers can handle both single record updates and bulk operations like:
Data import
Mass actions, such as record owner changes and deletes
Recursive Apex methods and triggers that invoke bulk DML statements.
Recursive trigger:
ActionSupport: A component that adds AJAX support to another component, allowing the component to be refreshed asynchronously by the server when a particular event occurs, such as a button click or mouseover.
ActionPoller: A timer that sends an AJAX update request to the server according to a time interval that you specify.
What is Batch Apex? How can you implement Batch Apex?(Dynamic Apex)
Using batch Apex, you can build complex, long-running processes on the Force.com platform. For example, you could build an archiving solution that runs on a nightly basis, looking for records past a certain date and adding them to an archive.
What is a Callout method? How does it invoke, how many methods available in Classes and Triggers?
An Apex callout enables you to integrate your Apex with an external service by making a call to an external Web service or sending a HTTP request from an Apex script and then receiving the response. Apex provides integration with Web services that utilize SOAP and WSDL, or HTTP services (RESTful services).
What is a difference between System log and debug log?
Debug log records database operations, system processes, and errors that occur when executing a transaction or while running unit tests. The system generates a debug log for a user every time that user executes a transaction that is included in the filter criteria.
SOQL: Salesforce.com Object Query Language
SOSL: Salesforce.com Object Search Language
What is a Force.com IDE?
What is a Managed Package and Unmanaged package?
Managed packages are AppExchange packages that can be upgraded in the installer's organization. They differ from unmanaged packages in that some components are locked, allowing the upgrade process. Unmanaged packages do not include locked components and can not be upgraded.
Before the Winter '07 release, all packages were unmanaged. Now, you can convert an unmanaged package to managed to ensure your installed users get upgrades.
Unmanaged Package Managed Package
What Completely Editable by Developer and Installer
Can NOT be upgraded Certain Components are locked
No Destructive Changes to app
Supports Seamless Upgrading
Supports LMA for Managing Installs
When to Use 1:1 Distribution
Extensive Modification Required 1:Many Distribution
Commerical Intent
Foresee Upgrades
Editions Supported All Editions can create Unmanaged Packages ONLY Developer Edition can create Managed Packages
Managed packages differ from unmanaged packages in many other ways. Before creating managed packages, here are a few things to consider:
You must use a Developer Edition organization to create and work with a managed package.
A Developer Edition organization can contain a single managed package and many unmanaged packages.
You must register a Namespace Prefix - A Namespace Prefix is a series of characters prefixed to your Custom Objects and Fields to prevent conflict when installed in another salesforce.com org.
When you release a managed package, meaning it is uploaded with the Managed - Released option selected, the properties of its components change to prevent developers and installers from making harmful changes. For a list of each package component type and their properties, see Properties of Managed Packages. If you do not want to offer upgrades to your package, consider keeping it unmanaged.
If you plan to release your app as a Managed Package, please read out guide on Planning the Release of Managed Packages
If you already have a Unmanaged Package and you'd like to convert it to Managed, please review the following: Converting Unmanaged Packages to Managed
Now that you understand the difference and benefits of each type of package, let's see how easy it is to make your Unmanaged package from above into a Managed Package.
Customer portal
With Salesforce CRM’s customer portal, your customers can log cases and get updates 24x7. All via the intuitive user experience for which Salesforce CRM is famous. The result—higher customer satisfaction at a lower cost.
Partner portal
Outsource your service management by allowing third-party service reps to manage customer cases via the partner portal. Service partners can do everything they need to resolve customer support issues: search the solution database, log cases, make case comments, and run reports.
53.What are the rules Criteria to create a work flow? How many ways to fire a work flows and when should those available? What are the actions in work flow?
Immediate actions that execute when a record matches the criteria.
Time-dependent actions that salesforce.com queues when a record matches the criteria, and executes according to time triggers.
In 2 ways,
1. Immediate action: when criteria matches record then workflow will be fired immediately.
2. Timedependent action: Fires according to time triggers.
Tasks - Assign a new task to a user, role, or record owner.
Email Alerts - Send an email to one or more recipients you specify.
Field Updates - Update the value of a field on a record.
Outbound Messages - Send a secure configurable API message (in XML format) to a designated listener.
54. Types of Sandboxes and what are those and In Which editions those are available?
55. What is test coverage code % for the classes and triggers and what is the test method syntax?
56.Types of Triggers and what is a Bulk Trigger?
Bulk triggers can handle both single record updates and bulk operations like:
Data import
Bulk Force.com API calls
Mass actions, such as record owner changes and deletes
Recursive Apex methods and triggers that invoke bulk DML statements.
57.What are the types of bindings available in Visual force?
2. Using methods in controller.
58. What is a Wrapper Class in S.F?
59. What are formula and Rollup Summary fields and Difference between them? When should Rollup- Summary field enable?
Rollup Summary: A read-only field that displays the sum, minimum, or maximum value of a field in a related list or the record count of all records listed in a related list.
Difference is below:
Formula fields calculate values using fields within single record, roll-up summary fields calculate values from a set of related records.
When we give the master-detail relationship it get’s enable to the master object
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