For sales force to sales force integration required Two organization
1. Sales Force Org 1
2. Sales Force Org 2
STEP 1 : Create one ViSsula Force Page and Controller in Sales Force Org 2
Visual Force Page: (Page Name : sfdc_to_sfdc)
<apex:page controller="ExternalServiceCall">
<apex:form >
<apex:commandButton value="CallService" action="{!callMethod}" title="CallService"/>
Apex Controller:
public class ExternalServiceCall {
public PageReference callMethod() {
String Endpoint = '';
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
return null;
STEP 2 : Create one CONNECTED APP in Sales Force Org 1
Connected App Name : S_TO_S_APP
Contact Email : Your Email Address
API (Enable OAuth Settings) : Check (Enable OAuth Settings)
Callback URL : Sales Force Org 2 visual force page URL (sfdc_to_sfdc)
Selected OAuth Scopes : Select all and move from left to right
STEP 3 : Copy consumer key and Consumer Secret and paste in note pad
1. Consumer Key (3MVG9Y6d_Btp4xp46JlONG7HS6J2U7.oBhNF2mAUQhyotYkFWexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
2. For consumer secret click on reveal copy the code (86658178********)
STEP 4 :
https://**salesforce instance**/services/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=**Cosumer key**&redirect_uri=**Callback URL**&state=mystate1
In Above URL replace below given parameters
1. **salesforce instance** : Replace with your sales force org instance
2. **Cosumer key** : Consumer Key of connected APP which we copied in the above step
3. **Callback URL** : Sales Force Org 2 visual force page URL
4. State : give your own string in state
Note : state should be different every time your calling this URL
STEP 5 : Copy the Above URL and open in a new browser
1. It will open an window which asking to permission (Allow IT)
2. It will ask your Sales Force Org 2 credentials (Give your credential and login)
3. Page Redirect to visual force page (sfdc_to_sfdc)
4. Visual force URL should look like
5. From the URL copy the CODE and paste in note pad
STEP 6 :
https://**salesforce instance**/services/oauth2/token?code=**code**&grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=**Consumer Key**&client_secret=**Consumer Secret**&redirect_uri=**Call Back URL**
Above URL is to get the Access Token
1. **salesforce instance** : Replace with your sales force org instance
2. **code** : STEP 5
3. **Consumer Key** : STEP 3
4. **Consumer Secret** : STEP 3
5. **Call Back URL** : Sales Force Org 2 visual force page URL
NOTE: Go to Remote site settings and create new remote site (Name : salesforceOrg, URL : **salesforce instance**)
STEP 7: Copy the above URL and paste in STEP 1 class > method > String Endpoint
1. Class : ExternalServiceCall
Method : callMethod
String Endpoint = STEP 6 (URL)
2. Save
3. Click on Save button
4. Go to the debug log
5. Copy the Access Token
Now Integration is Done with sales force now you can make calls from sales force to sales force
STEP 8: To call class of Sales Force Org 1 from Sales Force Org 2
Create a class in Sales Force Org 1
Apex Controller :
global class SalesforceOrg{
global static List<Contact> sfdcMethod(){
List<Contact> sfdcContact = new List<Contact>();
sfdcContact = [select Name,Email from Contact];
return sfdcContact;
Call Above calss (SalesforceOrg) From Org 2
Copy the below code and paste in developer console or workbench in Sales Force Org 2 and executive
String accessToken = '00D90000000iCmb!AR4AQKhpsb2wJYLLxdafV71KdkRxBmRuRmWD_LTmEtRkFdxTWYh_V7CPqc*******************************';
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setHeader('Authorization',' Bearer '+accessToken);
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
Note :
Access Token : From STEP 7STEP 9: For more endpoints please refer the below URL
setEndpoint : should be Sales Force Org 1 Endpoint ,In above http call the end point is Sales Force Org 1 class Annotation Name(sfdcCalling)